How To Get Hired As A Compositor – Part 8: Excel In Your New Role
⭐ In this 8-part guide, I will take you through best practices for every step of the journey to getting hired as a compositor. ➜ Part 8 is about how to make the most out of the first few months in your new role, and the steps to take for quickly becoming a preferred team member…

⭐ In this 8-part guide, I will take you through best practices for every step of the journey to getting hired as a compositor. ➜ Part 8 is about how to make the most out of the first few months in your new role, and the steps to take for quickly becoming a preferred team member…
This is a Companions Exclusive Tutorial
You can find the previous parts of the guide here:
Part 2: Build A Strong Network
Part 3: Create A Spectacular Showreel
Part 4: Write An Impressive CV
Part 5: Write An Outstanding Job Application
Why You Should Excel Right Away
When you take on a new role, you should start providing value as soon as possible so that you stop being a liability to the company.
They have taken a (calculated) risk in hiring you, and you want to make it immediately clear that they have made the right decision.
In addition to reassuring them, excelling in your new role will help you to:
Increase your surface area for attracting luck. When people learn that you are a person who gets things done, you will be given more opportunities.
Make your colleagues enjoy working with you. If you make someone else’s life easier, they will like working with you and be happy to reciprocate, which leads to good vibes all around.
Get people to vouch for you. Later down the line, you are more likely to get a glowing recommendation.
Positioning yourself as an excellent compositor is a win-win scenario. The speed and quality of your output will benefit the employer, and the habits and reputation you build will benefit you.
How To Excel Quickly
Let's break down how you can exceed expectations and contribute the most value possible in your new role.
Below are 32 different ways – and the more of them you follow, the better your chances are of excelling.
Let’s dive in.