BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode1 tile_color 0xe5d100ff label "Create Facing Ratio\nFrom World Normals" note_font_size 42 selected true xpos -37 ypos -1229 bdwidth 462 bdheight 291 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode2 tile_color 0xafafafff label Camera note_font_size 42 selected true xpos -497 ypos -1697 bdwidth 318 bdheight 224 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode3 tile_color 0x666666ff label "Example Comp" note_font_size 42 selected true xpos 582 ypos -2258 bdwidth 550 bdheight 1660 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode4 tile_color 0x666666ff label "Example Normals" note_font_size 42 selected true xpos -116 ypos -2080 bdwidth 576 bdheight 602 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode5 tile_color 0xafafafff label "Disable To See \nThe Difference" note_font_size 42 selected true xpos 610 ypos -971 bdwidth 270 bdheight 188 z_order 2 } Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {-4.05 0 10.15741158} rotate {0 -21.68569864 0} matrix { {-10.4 -9 -1.3 -3.5} {-7.1 -4.2 -1 -4.2} {-6.1 -1 -4.6 -4.2} {-1.1 0.4 -0.5 0.7} } name Camera1 selected true xpos -391 ypos -1592 } Light2 { inputs 0 light_type directional translate {0 4.059999943 7.820000172} rotate {-87.79488959 179.999923 -179.999923} cast_shadows true depthmap_slope_bias 0.01 name Light1 selected true xpos 18 ypos -1699 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0.26 0 0 1} format "4096 4096 0 0 4096 4096 1 square_4K" name Constant1 selected true xpos 260 ypos -1952 } Phong { diffuse 0.09 specular 0 min_shininess 0 max_shininess 0 name Phong1 selected true xpos 260 ypos -1840 } Dot { name Dot20 selected true xpos 294 ypos -1765 } Reformat { inputs 0 format "4096 4096 0 0 4096 4096 1 square_4K" name Reformat2 selected true xpos 9 ypos -1923 } Noise { zoffset 6 gain 0.99 gamma 0.355 center {2021 1137} name Noise1 selected true xpos 9 ypos -1876 } Dot { name Dot21 selected true xpos 43 ypos -1837 } Sphere { inputs 0 name Sphere1 selected true xpos 140 ypos -1962 } DisplaceGeo { inputs 2 name DisplaceGeo1 selected true xpos 140 ypos -1841 } ApplyMaterial { inputs 2 name ApplyMaterial1 selected true xpos 140 ypos -1769 } Scene { inputs 2 name Scene2 selected true xpos 150 ypos -1699 } push $cut_paste_input Reformat { format "3840 2160 0 0 3840 2160 1 UHD_4K" name Reformat1 selected true xpos 277 ypos -1572 } add_layer {normal normal.alpha} ScanlineRender { inputs 3 conservative_shader_sampling false antialiasing high shutteroffset centred motion_vectors_type distance output_shader_vectors true N_channel normal name ScanlineRender2 selected true xpos 140 ypos -1572 } Dot { name Dot15 selected true xpos 174 ypos -1338 } set N6e644000 [stack 0] Group { name Facing_Ratio_From_Normals help "Generate a facing ratio pass from worldspace normals and a camera. " tile_color 0x1f00ffff selected true xpos 140 ypos -1075 addUserKnob {20 facingRatio l "Facing Ratio From Normals" t "Facing Ratio From Normals"} addUserKnob {41 in l "Normals Pass" t "Select your normals pass. " T} addUserKnob {41 camName l "Camera Name" t "Type in your camera node's name. " T ColorMatrix1.camName} addUserKnob {26 gradeMatte l "Grade Facing Ratio" t "Grade Facing Ratio"} addUserKnob {41 black l Lift t "Lift the facing ratio pass. " T} addUserKnob {41 white l Gain t "Gain up and down the facing ratio pass. " T Grade1.white} addUserKnob {41 gamma l Gamma t "Gamma up and down the facing ratio pass. " T Grade1.gamma} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 creator l "" +STARTLINE T "Kenn Hedin Kalvik"} addUserKnob {26 versioning l "" +STARTLINE T "Facing Ratio From Normals v1.0 | 2022"} addUserKnob {26 website l "" +STARTLINE T ""} } Input { inputs 0 name normals xpos -224 ypos -195 } Shuffle { in normal name Shuffle1 label "Select the Normal channel: \n\[value in]" note_font_size 20 xpos -224 ypos -96 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {{"\[value camName].world_matrix.0"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.1"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.2"}} {{"\[value camName].world_matrix.4"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.5"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.6"}} {{"\[value camName].world_matrix.8"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.9"} {"\[value camName].world_matrix.10"}} } invert true name ColorMatrix1 label "Type the camera's name \nin the Camera Name field" note_font_size 20 xpos -224 ypos -3 addUserKnob {20 cam l Camera} addUserKnob {1 camName l "Camera Name" t "Type in your camera node's name. "} camName Camera1 } Shuffle { red blue green blue alpha black name Shuffle2 xpos -224 ypos 104 } Invert { channels rgb name Invert1 xpos -224 ypos 167 } Grade { gamma 0.5 white_clamp true name Grade1 label "Grade the facing ratio" note_font_size 20 xpos -224 ypos 236 } Output { name Output1 xpos -224 ypos 380 } end_group Dot { name Dot14 selected true xpos 174 ypos -824 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 format "3840 2160 0 0 3840 2160 1 UHD_4K" boxsize 137 color0 {0 0 0 1} color1 {1 1 1 1} color2 {0 0 0 1} color3 {1 1 1 1} name CheckerBoard2 selected true xpos 941 ypos -2136 } Glow2 { name Glow1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -2018 } Defocus { defocus 90 name Defocus1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -1956 } Transform { scale 1.1 center {2021 1137} shutteroffset centred name Transform1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -1880 } Crop { box {0 0 3840 2160} reformat true crop false name Crop1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -1817 } Grade { whitepoint {1 0.802642 0.662615 1} whitepoint_panelDropped true mix_luminance 1 name Grade1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -1752 } Dot { name Dot13 selected true xpos 975 ypos -1464 } set N6e6c0400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 selected true xpos 764 ypos -1464 } push $N6e644000 Dot { name Dot18 selected true xpos 665 ypos -1338 } set N6e6ffc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot19 selected true xpos 665 ypos -1273 } LightWrap { inputs 2 name LightWrap1 selected true xpos 730 ypos -1277 Diffuse 200 Intensity 150 onlywrap true master 1 shadows 1 midtones 1 highlights 1 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply bbox B name Merge3 selected true xpos 730 ypos -828 } Dot { name Dot17 selected true xpos 764 ypos -714 } push $N6e6ffc00 Dot { name Dot1 selected true xpos 880 ypos -1338 } Dot { name Dot2 selected true xpos 880 ypos -1271 } push $N6e6c0400 Merge2 { inputs 2 bbox B name Merge1 selected true xpos 941 ypos -1275 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus bbox B name Merge2 selected true xpos 941 ypos -718 }